Thursday, March 13, 2008


This is the fourth in a series:
Your Psychic Awakening
Your Psychic Awakening 2: Meditation
Your Psychic Awakening 3: Chakras and Auras
(My last post Illness and Other Negative Manifestations of Psychic Energy could also be considered part of the series.)

By way of apology, and perhaps defense, I just want to explain that I set a two hour time limit on blog posts. I don't spend as long on these as I "should." I always have so much other writing to do. I realise that there are usually many small spelling and grammar mistakes, and no matter how brief I try to be, I always seem to leave something out. As is the case here.

Two things before I begin talking about prayer and chanting. First, I want to recommend Shakti Gawain's CREATIVE VISUALISATION, especially to people that are not witches, but are going through a psychic awakening. Gawain's book is almost "witchcraft lite". Quite a few exercises are spells. But with the magick and religious elements reduced to a kind of spiritual LCD. It's all the same principles, basically.

Second, in my last post (on negative manifestations of psychic energy) I meant to mention what seems to be a pretty common occurrence during awakenings and upgrades: electrical disturbances and light bulbs popping. Yes, as with illness and accidents, sometimes things just happen, but I'd say if three light bulbs pop within the same day you might want to take a few minutes. If your light bulbs are just cheap, it won't hurt to meditate. But usually, if you aren't paying attention, the next thing is something electrical suddenly dies or shorts out. (And usually comes back to life mysteriously either after you have done a meditation or ritual, or a few days later.)

When I was a teenager I began to cut myself off from my psychic gift. It created too many scary experiences for me, and I had no context in which to put the messages I received and things I saw and heard. I denied anything that could not be "rationally" explained. Even "supernatural", unexplainable things that had happened to me personally. And I became an atheist. It was easier to accept this world and the unhappiness and suffering I experienced and saw all around me in a world without a God. (I knew no Goddess then.) The God that I had learned about as a child had failed me.

It wasn't until I had a nervous breakdown that I opened up again to the other world. I had to begin searching for a spiritual path that would sustain me. Without faith I could not continue living, and faith in this world alone was not enough.

Over-reliance on this world and the physical and empirical aspects of human life is limiting enough to someone with no psychic gift. If you have a psychic or mystical gift, eventually you will find your way to God/dess. There is no way around it. It may be that you only find your way there long enough to make peace with the fact that something beyond human perception governs the Universe, but you will find your way there eventually. We are spiritual beings, as well as physical, emotional, and mental beings.

I categorized several things that may seem unrelated: Prayer, chanting, giving thanks, PT&B, and also, song. The truth is, I wasn't thinking of silent prayer. I was thinking of things that you vocalise. Your throat chakra is the first of the "heavenly" or "spiritual" chakras. (The heart chakra is the link between heaven and earth; between body and soul, etc.) The throat chakra is the base for the expression and channelling of the Divine and astral chakras.

Just as it is important to speak out loud to the dead, it is important to chant and pray and give thanks out loud. It creates a space in this world for Divine energies to exist. (You can also write out prayers- writing creates space for something spiritual/psychic/creative to come into existence.) Thoughts also create energy on this plane-- they create electro-magnetic waves-but thoughts are private. Vocalised words and sounds are public, even if no other living human hears them when they are spoken.

Chanting and singing create altered mind states. Especially when prolonged, or done repetitively. Singing, because it is music, also draws you closer to the music of the spheres. I think of music as a kind of binary code: music is the language that the Divine and the stars speak. Singing and chanting also naturally cleanse the three upper chakras.

Giving thanks and praying also strengthen the psychic and/or witch's channel to the astral-- including the heavenly-- realms. It keeps the channel open to Divine assistance. One of the first spirits I encountered during my "I see dead people" upgrade was a man I used to know when he was alive. He had committed suicide and at one point he showed me how the suffering and despair that he had felt while he was alive had actually choked off the pipeline of good energy and helpful assistance from the Divine. It is not that angels and spirits were not trying to reach him and help him, but that he was so filled with negative energy nothing on the other side could reach him.

He also showed me how the continuing love of a friend of his (our mutual friend) had in fact "saved" him from the "hell" that suicides get stuck in on the other side. (It's actually the same hell they were trapped in here, but with nothing else at all, and no hope of escape.) The prayers that Catholics say for the souls in purgatory is not off the mark. Even an atheist who continues to feel strong loving thoughts for someone on the other side sends healing energy to a spirit (as is the case with my two friends, actually).

(I've said this before, but I am going to say it again: no matter how bad things get, suicide is not a way out. Someone who commits suicide basically traps themselves in exactly what they are trying to escape from. You can only make changes to this life from this side of life. Most of the spirits that are still "here" are trying to fix things that they failed to do when they were alive. That problem is multiplied times a million for the spirit that committed suicide. And in my personal experience, people who died in traumatic circumstances--suicide, murder, etc-- have so much negative energy around them it can be difficult to hear them. They have a kind of static surrounding them.)

Caroline Myss in Why People Don't Heal And How They Can relates a remarkable tale about the power of prayer in healing. A woman was in a serious car accident and died briefly at the scene. She had an out of body experience. She floated above the cars around the accident and was able to "see" the thoughts of the people witnessing the accident. Some were angry because they would be late, some were horrified and shocked. From one car a beautiful rainbow of light was coming from the driver and going straight into the dead woman's body. The driver was saying a prayer for her. She remembered the licence plate when she was resuscitated and contacted the woman to thank her for the roadside prayer.

I always sign my posts "Praises, Thanks, & Blessings" because one day when I was praying I understood that these are the gifts God/dess gives to us. We are praised for all of our good, and all of our gifts, and for all that we do. We are thanked for the things we do on this planet/plane. And we are blessed, that we might continue. It is important to Praise, Thank, and Bless God/dess in return, and also everything else in our lives that we Love.

Over the years I have developed a series of prayers based on PT&B. The five or so minutes I spend doing this everyday has become a cornerstone of my day to day life. I have found that on the worst days, it is more important to say PT&B than on the good ones. Like meditation, it creates a kind of space in the remaining 23 hours and 55 minutes that allows good to flow to me even in the worst of circumstances. It keeps the pipeline cleaned out, so to speak. My angels and spirits can still reach me, no matter how depressed or angry I become.

I also use PT&B to cleanse the chakras in the aura and auric shield when I do chakra cleansings. (The one "within" is the spot where your soul or spirit is, behind and below your heart chakra, but above the solar plexus chakra. The one without is the whole of the auric and the auric shield. The chakras in the aura and auric shield are different than the ones in your body. In my experience they can absorb the PT&B and turn them into a kind of light or projective energy. In other words, they will create PT&B all around you.)

Praises, Thanks, & Blessings
Above and Below,
Behind and Before,
To the Right and to the Left,
From Within and Without.

Praises, Thanks, & Blessings to you on your spiritual journey.


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