Tuesday, February 26, 2008


There was a big energy shift last week. We got a big bundle with the eclipse, and from what I can sense, enough people changed the course of their individual lives (either for better or worse, good or evil) that our reality has shifted.

I think it is possible that as the security of the outer world crumbles, (something that must happen, so that new structures can be created and we can enter the Age of Aquarius, or the Age of Avatars, as I call it) the inner world will become more powerful. If you have been living from the inside out, there are alot of golden opportunities that were not available before.

Honouring the inner life has gotten a bad rap up until recently. We did come to Earth to live in this world and be part of it, but sometimes it seems like many people have just forgotten that there is another world out there.

And our culture insists that this world is where are all of the gratification can be found, and all of the problems be solved. Just lose the weight, quit smoking or drinking, and run up your credit card buying "stuff" to make yourself feel good. Focusing on the outer life is not a bad idea, but it only works to a point. Eventually you have to go inside and find the mechanisms that created those unhappy patterns to begin with.

I believe that we are all right now meant to develop our psychic and spiritual life more fully. I believe all of us need to develop whatever psychic talents we have. For one thing, latent psychic powers are a source of illness and discomfort if they aren't properly channelled. (I also believe that in some cases they can activate what we call poltergiests, or create easy targets for bad spirits.)

If you felt the energy shift, whether you just felt "off", or "on", or you had an ailment, or your third eye was about to pop-- if you felt it, you are probably at a place in your life where you need to deepen or expand your spiritual practice in some way.

You may want to look into going back to church, or changing churches. If you practice magick you may want to learn a new path. If you have not explored spiritual life for awhile, you may want to find a starting point.

This post is the first in a series outlining what I think are the most important first steps to take, and also what to strengthen, if you are already a practicing witch and/or psychic. Each step is listed below with a brief discussion, and each will be the topic of an upcoming post.

Finding a meditation that works for you is very important. In many ways, being psychic is more about knowing yourself than knowing others. We all pick up other people's "vibes" and energy. Being able to distinguish between your thoughts/feelings/responses and others is one of the main factors in psychic ability. You have to have a period of time every day (or as often as possible) where you "empty out" of everything.

The Chakras and Aura
We all have energy bodies just as we have physical bodies. A common psychic awakening is to begin seeing auras. Learning the Chakras can also help in personal discovery and self-awareness, in helping to identify where emotions and reactions are being generated.

Making contact with a guardian or angel
It is especially important right now, when we are going through a time of accelerated change and development, to make contact with your guardians. Everyone has a companion angel, a guardian spirit, and many people have animal totems, or astral companions and guides.

Prayer, chanting, giving thanks, PT&B
Having a vocal relationship with Divine energies is a necessity. It serves both in personal development and also with linking the energies of earth and of heaven by creating a "space" (through sound) for Divinity to enter and exist on this plane.

You need a record of your development and experiences. Especially in learning to identify the different "voices" in your head. (Some of them can be crazy.) You need to learn to distinguish the voice that tells you who is calling before you look at your phone, or tells you when to make a left turn to avoid a traffic jam, etc. Writing also works like vocalising in creating a space for your angels, spirits, etc, to exist on this plane.

Ritual creates the ultimate "space" for the Divine. A church or temple is a permanent structure, but a Circle cast by a witch also creates a space for God/dess. It is important right now to create as much space for God/dess (any and all of them) as possible.

Astrology is the voice of the Universe. We fit into a larger pattern, and we can more clearly see our place in things by studying the movement of the stars.

If you did the meditation with me during the eclipse you felt how powerful it is to think of things that you Love. I hope that like me, you are inspired to continue doing this.

God/dess is joyous when S/He feels the Love we have in our hearts, and will increase those things that we Love the more we give thanks.

Love to you all! May your blessings increase!


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