Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I want to take a minute and talk about the connection between psychic energy and physical illness. I mentioned that strong psychic energy that was not being acknowledged could often attract what people call poltergeists and other nasty spirits/energy. The other thing that can happen is that psychic "upgrades" and improperly channelled or unacknowledged psychic energy can cause physical ailments.

I have very limited research to back this up, but I believe that often psychic upgrades cause imbalances in the endocrine system. This manifests as thyroid problems, menstrual or hormonal changes, diabetes or blood sugar problems, and changes in the sweat glands: sweating a lot more or a lot less, or the scent of sweat changing, etc.

My own observation leads me to believe that an increase in migraines, sinus infections or headaches that feel like a sinus infection, and random vertigo or dizziness are also ailments that can manifest when psychic energy is not being properly channelled or acknowledged.

Even practicing psychics are not immune to these ailments. Any upgrade, no matter how advanced the practitioner, is going to make you off balance. Hopefully just temporarily, but vulnerable to illness or bad habits. There is a reason for the overweight and/or cigarette smoking medium. So much energy runs through your body when you are doing readings that you often find yourself craving things that will make you feel either "fast" or "slow".

"Fast" (because you are drained from running another person's energy through you) like cigarettes-- making those neuron firings and pathways in the brain feel busy-- and sweets, coffee or energy drinks-- giving you a boost or a high. "Slow" is heavy foods: meat and carb loaded dishes like pasta and bread. Giving readings can make you feel light headed, disconnected from other people emotionally or from your own feelings, and less grounded.

Like the emotional eater, the psychic eater may also feel an unconscious need for protection in the form of armour-like fat. It may not just be the physical satisfaction from taste sensation or fullness. Or the need to be weighted down or grounded. Psychics, even if they aren't empaths, are much more vulnerable to the feelings of people around them. (Not just the feelings of other people, but the feelings other people have about them. One thing that can be very trying about a psychic upgrade is becoming aware of the true feelings that other people have for and about you, whether those feelings are good or bad.)

The culture of our country is a little too obsessed, in my opinion, with physical grooming. Notice I say "culture". Our advertising oriented society makes us feel we must use many different products to keep ourselves hygienic and attractive. (Obviously much more so with women.) And our society is over-focused on the physical side of human life. Naturally, I suppose, for no products can really be made to cleanse oneself emotionally, mentally, or spiritually/psychically. And you can't sell happiness or fulfillment or a strong mind in 30-second television commercials.

Too much emphasis on any one aspect of life imbalances the others. And while it is really becoming obvious in the last two decades that there is a mind-body link to illness, and even an emotion-body link, very few but the "kooks" ever talk about psychic and spiritual illness. (And then, unfortunately, very often that talk is being done by frauds: people with no psychic skills trying to get money to remove bad spirits.)

If there was dried spaghetti sauce on your arm, you would wash it off immediately. Most people would. But the same thing has to be done when you have the same thought or series of thoughts stuck in your head for a week. Or a persistent recurring feeling about an event that occurred in the past and which you cannot change. (I call this the "hamster wheel." If you imagine a little hamster running in a wheel inside of his cage.)

Psychic visions (and here I mean clairvoyant visions, and also clairaudient messages and clairsentient feelings/perceptions) also need to be cleansed. Especially when you are developing. And each time you are developing. In other words, no matter how many upgrades you have received, and no matter how high up the psychic ladder you have advanced, upgrades are basically unstable energy. Whether the energy is different or you are processing it differently, every time you get an upgrade, you have to re-learn how to process the energy.

For medium work, as in talking to the dead, this instability can potentially open you up to bad spirits, or needy ones. (Another good reason to have a firm relationship with your Guides and Guardians.) The dead have no place in this world. One positive way to establish a stronger connection with the dead is create a space for them- through a lit candle, speaking to them out loud, a flower arrangement dedicated to particular spirit, etc. For a medium with a lot of power s/he is not using, it leaves those needy spirits an entry way to physical manifestations-- the poltergeist effect. (I believe that the inhabitants and visitors of "haunted" houses bring about the haunting they experience there.)

For psychic visions, they come through clearer because of the upgrade, and it can make you feel that it is more certain for that reason. (The future is rarely certain, especially these days. I think the reason that many psychics do only medium work is that after you make a few predictions and then watch them change, you begin to realise just how open to possibility every single moment is, and just how vastly uncertain the future really is.)

It is really important to journal your visions at all times, and to trust your Guides. I have had a lot of problems in the past, clinging to certain visions and not listening to my Guides when events have changed. Obviously, my main reason for writing this series on psychic awakenings is to help others avoid the mistakes I have made and that I have seen others make.

I have a few brief odds and ends before I end. First, if a symptom of your upgrade is that you keep seeing things out of the corner of your eye-- like shadows, or movement, or that something keeps going past you-- it is probably an increase in medium abilities. You are sensing spirit activity.

Second, if you are experiencing a lot of headaches in the centre of your forehead, where your third eye is, you are either experiencing a greater capacity for clairvoyance (psychic visions) or you have energy trapped in another chakra and the upgrade is forcing it into your psychic vision.

Third, psychic awareness, as I have mentioned many times before, is really about greater self-awareness. If you are in the middle of an upgrade and you are either confronting or ignoring negative beliefs or thought patterns in your own mind, or you are trying to confront or supress your feelings, you may become ill.

The latter I have been dealing with very intimately for the last few days, which is what inspired this post. I became very tired and run down last week and attributed it to an increase in my workout routine (physical) and my dedication to a writing project (mental). On Sunday night I got hit very hard with the flu.

I realised yesterday that I was repressing feelings that I had about different situations in my life. For many people the only way they will allow themselves to feel certain feelings (despair, depression, loneliness, anger, unhappiness, dependency, isolation, being overwhelmed, the need for a break or "time-out") is when they are sick. This is the emotional side of illness. (This is not always my pattern, but it is not that unusual for me to do this.)

The other possibilities I examined was that my Angels or Spirits needed to "re-wire" some aspect of my life. (The book Ask Your Angels goes into this in depth.) Sometimes you need to just lie down and be still long enough for your mind to readjust to a new reality. (Each upgrade will bring with it a shift in subjective reality. Whether seeing auras, spirits, or hearing messages, etc. You will not be living in the same world with the majority of other people.) Or it could be that some old pattern needed to be removed, and the only way to do that was to get it out physically.

Or, especially during an upgrade, if you are not taking the time to do the psychic work you need to, and when you won't listen any other way-- especially if you are in danger of needy or malevolent spirits and energy-- is to make you slow down with an injury or illness. Usually an injury or illness that comes out of the blue. And I daresay the more it interrupts your life, the more necessary it was.

For myself, it was that the recent upgrade (we are all getting one right now, everyone) and the increased self-awareness I was experiencing. After two and half days of lying in bed, miserable, I came face to face with the emotional demons that I had been trying to avoid, and I just let them have their day. I understood that my quest for "happiness" had become so consuming that I wasn't letting myself be unhappy. In a bad mood? Maybe. Intolerant and unsympathetic? Sometimes. But unhappy? No.

I tell people "don't resist what you don't want too hard." It makes the thing you don't want stronger when you resist it. Disengaging the battle is the goal, not resistance or repression. Especially emotionally. No matter how enlightened or spiritual or psychic you become, it would not be normal to never have a "bad" feeling: anger, unhappiness, depression, intolerance, etc.

Feelings deserve freedom and respect. You don't have to hang onto the ones you don't want, but you can't repress them or fight them either. The messages emotions carry are every bit as important as the messages the physical body carries (hunger, thirst, elimination), and the mind (the need for conversation, study, challenging work), and the spirit/psychic (contact with the Divine, healing energy, growth and mastery of psychic work).

And no matter how enlightened you become you are still human. It would not be normal or even desirable to never feel anger or frustration or loneliness. These are gifts as much as contentment and enthusiasm.

I swear, somedays I just know that I am only here to serve as a warning to others... ;o)

I will return to my series on psychic awakening with a post on prayer next time.


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