Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Manannan Maclir was the son of the sea god Lir, and a god in his own right as well. Because Manannan could see that all things were essentially one, he rode his horse across the ocean waves as if they were leaves of grass upon a meadow. His horse was shining and bright, and looked like the sparkle of sunshine on the waters.

Had you watched the sunrise over the Pacific ocean the day of Samhain, you might have seen Mannanan upon his horse.

(In Malibu-- because of the coastline, somehow-- the full moon and the rising sun come up over the water. You look out at the water to the East, on the West coast. Even when you look at the map it doesn't fathom, but I admit to having used a compass to make sure.)

I saw the son of Lir and his legendary equine shortly after conversing with his father. Meditating upon the waves I could hear him laughing at me.

"The transformative powers you seek are always here," said the slow, steady heart beat of the tide.

And I understood that, of course, even on the darkest night, the sun has not disappeared. It is on the other side of the world, but it is not gone.

"You are so serious," screeched the seagulls. "Silly girl, you think this time comes only once a year."

The next world, and all that is in it, is always there. But at this time of year we become acutely aware of it-- i.e., the doorway between the worlds opens.

"We are more aware of each other than ever before," whispered the spirit winds.

The winds don't often speak for themselves. (Unless you speak directly to them, as you should when learning to call them, or ask them to stop blowing.) They were speaking for the dead.

I felt the press of the spirits all around me. And so strongly this year. Walking to the bus stop on Saturday afternoon I'd seen two apparitions, women sitting at the bust stop. They disappeared almost in plain sight. And whenever I would pass someone in solitude I would wonder if it were a spirit.

And so many electrical upsets when spirits are out and about. One was good, a friend reported a lamp turning on of its' own accord when she was searching for it. But most were like my computer completely losing power and shutting down while I was writing an email.

And there was a definite evil pixie at work in many of the communication problems of the day-- dropped calls, bad cell service, missed connections. And the bone chilling cold (for So Cal), even Woodland Hills needed a jacket!

This year I was very much reminded that there is a reason the worlds remain seperate. It's just too much. I always feel sorry for those psychics on television shows that can't tell when they are talking to a ghost until someone else comes in the room.

I actually prefer the vague symbolism and squinty eyed peering through the mists that I have to do, because it is just to tiresome to really see everything. (Ever had to "see" someone having diarrhea? uh, yeah, I have, and it is as bad as being present at your own.)

And with six billion people on the planet, the dead need to stay wavery and indistinct.

At least for most of the year.

It is nice to have a night when witches ride purple broomsticks through the sky, and you can borrow magick from stories (like Hellboy 2). The world of imagination is really where all the worlds that leave this one go. Worlds like Tir na nOg, where Mannanan Maclir was from. Or Heaven. And also the world of Star Wars, and Thundercats.

What we call reality is really just the lens of the kaliedescope that we are peering through at the moment. There are many worlds and realities in the universe. Indeed, there are many just in each person-- both living and dead!

And we are now watching the tidal wave of all of these worlds coming together. A New World awaits.

How will we choose? And especially those of us that live in a world where the "otherworldly" is commonplace? Where we do not wonder if there are witches, or psychics or mediums, or if these things are "real"? We who can see through the onion skin of this world.

There aren't that many of us.

But what we "vote" for, the reality we put our energy into, has great influence right now.

That is why it is so important to really listen to what you are saying and thinking, because right now there is so much power in your thoughts, and so often the communication process between conscious and subconscious-- or earthly and astral, or mental and physical-- is such that every thought is a directive about how your own world is.

The (YO)Universe takes your beliefs and judgements about others as a basis for your own karma. How you treat others is how you want to be treated yourself. And if you use your mind for healing, or practice magick, or use prayer to manifest things or changes-- then you are doubly powerful, but also doubly vulnerable.

For all the opening up in beliefs, and visions-- it would still be shocking for most people to witness a levitation that was not a television magician illusionist. (Yes, there is that possibility it is not an illusion. )

And it creeps people out to have their thoughts read. And not just because everyone has something to hide-- in other words, thoughts they do not wish others to see. It is because it is an unfair advantage. It is still a "power" or a sixth sense.

If there is something you desire right now, or that you are working towards, you must try to live as much as possible as if you already have it. I would rule out having any negative thoughts about anyone.

As soon as you find yourself thinking about something that makes you feel bad or is negative, I would find something to say, like a mantra, or an image, and put it right in front of you.

(I am able to offer this suggestion because I must do it myself many, many times ever day! Re-wiring the mind, and maintaining the upgrades, takes vigilance!)

Rock solid faith is the bridge of stones that will arise out of the ocean, one at a time, as you cross it.

See yourself healthy, fit, wealthy, happy, safe, whole, loved, laughing. If you cannot find a way to see someone else who has entered your reality-- for whatever reason-- than try to re-focus your attention on yourself.

There is turmoil in all the world's right now. Go carefully and gently and you should make it through the chaos intact. And by keeping your wits about you will be able to find everything you need for the next part of your journey.

These are the things I learned from watching Mannanan Maclir riding across the waves, as if they were leaves of grass upon a meadow.


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