Wednesday, November 04, 2009


For anyone in America, even the East Coast, Samhain is this Saturday night, November 7th sunset, to Sunday, November 8th at sunset. (approx 1900 PST)

Samhain (the ancestor of Halloween), the Druidic New Year and feast of the dead, is celebrated when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Scorpio. The Celts believed that a new day began at sunset. Samhain was the sunset of the year, and the period until Yule the darkness before dawn, a fallow time.

To really learn more about Samhain (and its' sister holiday, Bealtaine), search this blog for the label "Samhain."

This year feels spectacularly different than any I've experienced. I believe that this Samhain, and the three to come, are the biggest turning points in the coming new age-- what I call the Age of Avatars. The final turns of the screw in our new consciousness and way of life.

So this time bears some importance, some contemplation, some deliberation, some responsible action. But this is also a time of chaos and disorder and upheaval. Tricky stuff. Just when balance is the most important, it is often the most difficult to maintain. Do your best.

Every year at Samhain the world of the living and the dead converge. All the spirits-- even those that have "crossed over" (that is a whole other blog right there)--can come back to visit.

Because the door between the worlds is open, it is important to be somewhat cautious, though, too. A time to look out for bad spirits - such as those of ancient family grudges, curses, karma, etc.

This year, however, everyone that usually doesn't show up until just around Halloween has been lurking since Midsummer Night. Everyone. And Everything. And it is not just the world of the living and the dead that are becoming fluid and generous with each other, it is also the world of dreams, and of lies, and possibilities, and projections.

Be careful what you wish for, indeed. Try to be very mindful of what you speak about, and how you speak, and to whom you speak. Each word carries three times the weight it normally does.

Now is a time for heroics-- especially heroic feats of self-awareness: change yourself and change the world.

Change your world.

This Samhain I suggest a ritual at sunset, and another at sunrise, with some heavy Universe/God/Consciousness meditation at midnight during a third ritual. I suggest a night of divination, contemplation, and mass immobilising.

(Normally maybe sunrise would not be a necessary component. Sunset and sunset-- but this year, the dawn needs to be greeted as well.)

There is a lot of change taking place right now. Take a moment to be still and exhale. To centre yourself in loving energy and connection to the past, the present, and the future. To all of those that came before you, great with love and thanks, and release as many old negative patterns as you can.

Midnight is probably the best time to burn any letters to the dead, or the living. To make amends and open the door to new possibilities. And to reach out in with a higher consciousness to all in this world, both sleeping and awake, with a vision of a better life, globally.

(RE: Midnight, I actually take the time of sunset to the time of sunrise, divide it in half, and use that as midnight, rather than 12 AM).

There is so much happening right now, and I would like to write more, but I am in the midst of my own changes, which require my full attention.


What are you doing for Samhain?

Edit: The events in Fort Hood make me glad for my ability to see the spiritual side of life. This world needs a lot of love and understanding right now.

2nd Edit: I will be dressed up like Nuala from Hellboy 2. Remember, on the astral plane every one always looks their best, but it is still fun to dress up. Besides, I am going to drop one of those "grow a forest" Titan balls on the planet and see if we can get everything healthy and balanced. A rain forest has a so much life in it and all diverse-- there must be a way for the human species to balance in a beneficial way for everyone. I hope to spy that for a moment during the night's meditations.

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