Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The ancestor of Halloween is called Samhain ("sow-en"). It was discovered and named by the Druids.

Twice a year the doorway between the worlds opens. In Spring it is to let in the new spirits, the spirits of fertility and those about to be born, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus at the beginning of May.

When the sun reaches 15 degrees of Scorpio (this year on the 7th, after sunset in Los Angeles) the dead roam the earth. The spirits of those that have departed are amongst us again. It is a good night for divination and prophecy and communication with the unseen.

The feast of Samhain, like the other Celtic fire festivals, begins at sunset. That is why it is significant to know at what time the sun reaches 15 degrees of Scorpio. This year Samhain is from sunset on the 7th to sunset on the 8th.

However, as the most significant festival of the entire year, and the end of the old year and beginning of the new for witches, it is not inappropriate to celebrate for a week: 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after.

From Samhain to Yule, the winter solstice, it is the fallow time of year- for magick and for mortal endeavours. The New Moon near Halloween will be the last time to do magick until just before Christmas.

The next weeks are good for meditating on what you want to harvest from the year. It's a time to wrap things up, to start preparing for the holidays, and to simply let go of the old and unnecessary. Samhain was the slaughtering time. The herds were thinned out, the larder stocked, and prayers were said for the year ahead.

What is it that you want to nurture and sustain until spring? And what do you want to leave behind?


My apologies for my continuing absence and sporadic posts. I am still recovering from my illness. I am able to do readings, however. Feel free to contact me at the email address above for an appointment.

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