I must apologise for my lengthy absence. I have been ill and I am recuperating very slowly.
If you want to feel free and light regardless of how stressful your situation is, try meditating every day. I use the Zen breath counting method from Dr. Andrew Weil (http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART00521/three-breathing-exercises.html). It has remarkable restorative powers. It cleanses away all of the repeating thoughts, obsessions, worries, and brings back a sense of balance.
I frequently suggest breath meditation to clients and friends, because it helps me so much.
Sit comfortably in a chair with your back supported. Centre your attention on your breath. Begin counting each exhale, from one through five, and repeat for 10 minutes to 45 minutes (or longer, I suppose if you are disciplined or dedicated). Do not count past 5.
What happens is, about count 3, your conscious mind will figure out a way to start running thoughts through the "hamster wheel" while it continues to count. Suddenly, you find yourself at 8, or worse, with no idea how you got there.
You can't stop your mind from thinking, but you can keep releasing the thoughts as they come. The "hamster wheel" of worry relies on recurring thoughts to run it. Breath counting requires focus, but it is relaxing and balancing.
There have been times when the "hamster wheel" spun so fast and furiously that I couldn't focus for even ten minutes of breath counting, but those days are rare, and even the attempt helps to calm and soothe me a bit.
Try it for a few days, and probably you will like it enough to continue.
** I wouldn't meditate under the influence- not of weed, or alcohol, or vicodin, or shrooms, or even mugwort. Learn to get there from the baseline, first.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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