Monday, May 05, 2008


The ancient Druids believed that the old day died when the sun set. Their most famous legacy is All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, the descendent of the fire festival Samhain. (When the sun reaches 15 degrees of Scorpio.) We celebrate the "Eve" because of Halloween's Druidic roots. Samhain was the New Year for the ancient Celts. The twilight of the year.

They divided the year into two halves: Samhain ("sou-en") and Bealtaine ("be-all-tin-uh"). Samhain as the waning half of the year, and Bealtaine the waxing. Samahain was dusk til dawn, and Bealtaine dawn til dusk.

Tonight is Bealtaine, or May Eve. (When the sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus.) The darkness- winter, the long night-- is over. New spirits of fertility and abundance, of life and growth, roam the earth. Bealtaine Eve is an excellent night to celebrate the carnal.

This year Bealtaine falls between two consecutive full moon's in Scorpio. Today is the new moon. This is rare and very powerful. I have been writing in my last few posts about the unparalled power available right now. Volcanos, earthquakes, storms, cyclones, insect plagues (no camping in Colorado this year!), and human disasters-- monsters unmasked, lies uncovered, economic instability, food shortages.

The power of the Universe and the elements is always neutral. It is how we decide to use it. Personal decisions and actions have a greater impact on the people around us and the collective of humanity. This year the power is very strong, and could overwhelm us. If you are psychic or do energy work of any kind, take extra time to ground and center.

Tonight at sunset give thanks, feast with joy, and raise a toast to new life. And don't be surprised if you see the spirits and Sidhe (fairies) having their own feast and celebration!


PS-- Wikipedia's entry on Bealtaine is very inaccurate. Regarding Roodmas Eve, the Church appropriated Bealtaine from the Angles. "Root mass" not "Rod mass" (as in rod of christ). You can always tell if there is an "Eve." A good clue that it was grafted onto the Christian calendar from an older pagan feast day.

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