Saturday, May 17, 2008


I wish that I had the power of the film and television witch. I would wave my wand and for a few seconds everyone would see the world I see.

When I walk down the street I see not only the people, the cars, the buildings, the trees, birds, etc. I see spirits that accompany all of those things, especially the spirits of living things. I see the energy fields of the people. Aura's, chakras, guides, guardians, angels, and "attachments".

Birds flying overhead, or a passing breeze, or a butterfly crossing my path are generally not just those things. Often they are messages from the earth, or the spirit world, or my own spirits (especially my witch spirits). Sometimes they are messages from the living, that those people cannot say out loud to me.

The moon and the stars speak to me. Trees speak to me. Animals speak to me. Spirits and guardians of magickal places speak to me. They speak to all of us. Witches just listen more closely and more often.

The deaths of so many people in Mynamar and China have created a kind of bottleneck into the spirit world. The grief of the living and the dead is so loud right now. Many prayers are needed. The services of every spiritual person- and that means monks, priests, shamans, witches, and also spiritually minded individuals- are in demand right now.

And there is a tremendous gift available to the living. This gift is always available to the living when someone passes from this world, but because we are at the end of this remarkably magickal time (read this post, and this post) between two consecutive full moons in Scorpio, this gift is even more accessible.

The burden of the dying and the dead is the gift of the living. There is a "moment" before a soul steps through the doorway to the other side where the beauty of each life is achingly evident. When the threads that tie us to each other and to all of creation are visible. Even the worst day of a person's life becomes the most beautiful, precious gift. A gift that the soul about to step through the doorway would turn back and live again and again, if only they could.

The power to heal, to create a new future for ourselves individually and a new world for humanity are available right now. This is because of the magickal time we are in. The power to really appreciate the life you are living, and vision of the life you could be living, is available because of this gift of the dead.

There is no set future right now. All the old bets are off. New bets are being taken. Alignment with the spirit world and the power of unconditional Love are the compass you need. Especially if it feels like you are on the Titanic and it just hit an iceberg. (Even if you know what is going on, it can feel this way. Trust me. Whatever issues you have in your life that make you feel like you are drowning in the middle of the freezing cold ocean, those are probably what are coming up for you right now.)

I'm not going to smack anyone on the forehead like those old-time TV evangelists, but I am going to open up all of my power to this healing and this gift. I may not be able to transform the outer world, but if you attend I will be able to introduce you this inner world, and to alignment with the spirit world and unconditional Love.

Whether you attend or not, please, if you can, say a prayer with me tomorrow at 12 Noon Central time. For the dead and for the living, for the past and the future, for humanity and the world we inhabit.


** For more on the full moon in Scorpio please read Moonsurfing's Full Moon update. (You may need to sign up for the free e-zine. )

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