Tuesday, June 06, 2006


For one to truly be a witch, one's heart must not be cluttered with judgements. Each moment, each encounter, must be treated as brand new.

That is easier said than done, but, as witches and as human beings, we must contribute to a culture of tolerance and openess, in any way we can. We must see as many viewpoints as we can, and we must always strive to learn to see in new ways.

I perhaps need this guidance most of all, as I had such a difficult time composing these visions into something coherent, or rather, something useful.

Particularly regarding the immigration issue, I see alot of racism taking root. It is a weed that grows in almost any conditions and will quickly take over a yard or garden bed. It thrives in poor soil and needs little nurturing.

I hear people (I am one of them, at times) talking about the Bush/Rove desire for social fascism and a "Fourth Reich", especially in regards to spying on ordinary citizens, and reversing certain rights for women, etc.

But it is important to remember that Hitler simply capitalized on the frustrations of the German people and the unrest in the world. We all must be wary of creating conditions for hatred and intolerance. We must do our best to guard our own hearts, witches or otherwise.

Our brain stem, that web at the top of our spine, at the very base of our skull, is the most primitive part of our brains. It functions in a world that consists of only a very few things: death, birth, food, nature (the natural world including humans, animals, plants, the elements, etc), sex, offspring, and "others that are not me/my kin".

Further, according to relationship guru Harville Hendrix, this part of the brain only identifies six kinds of behaviours/responses: dominate, submit to, run away from, have sex with, nurture, and be nurtured by. The "reptilian brain", as he calls it, cannot really tell the difference between individual people, even family members.

As we emerged from Eden and tried to find our way around, many evils emerged. Often they came from other people, usually other families or tribes. And in lean times (and perhaps even in fat times) better your family be without than mine.

(And perhaps here, we could speculate on the formation of group identities, and the formation of countries and teams and champions, and Iko Iko, and "My _____ is No. 1!" as nothing more than a way to justify this instinct. After all, if I/my tribe is better than yours than I am justified in having your cattle and sheep and fields and Dior handbags.)

I believe this a basic component of humans. I think until we recognize that this limitation exists in all of us, that it exists in ourselves, we will not overcome it. Hitler's garden was already growing. All we can do is tend our own fields, and keep them free of weeds.

Something else that Harville Hendrix points out in his books about the reptilian brain and our romantic Imagos, is that your primitive brain is also incapable of properly identifying the recipients of loving, unselfish behaviour. Love your neighbour and your kundalini brain stem multiplies the love so that both giver and receiver are rewarded equal shares.

Racism does thrive in hateful conditions where more fragile flowers will fade, but Love is the only seed that multiplies, and it is stronger than any other plant.


An Energy Cloak

This is an excellent spell for the full moon, but it can be created any time. Love is the true basis of all mortal magic.

Sit quietly and focus on your heart chakra. Feel the earth and heaven sending energy through you and into your heart chakra. A strong dark green light begins to emenate from your heart chakra.

Focus your imagination/psychic eyes on fashioning from it a hooded cloak that completely covers you. When you feel it around you and see that it is completed you will see a pink light emerging from the centre of the heart chakra.

From it will emerge either a mist, or lines, or patterns of pink light. (I usually see heart shaped butterflies.) Let this pink light weave into the cloak as a pattern. Give yourself a veil of pink light to cover even your face.

Wear this when you go out. It will send love out to everyone and everything around you. This love will multiply. And this cloak will protect you, because you do not harm that which makes you feel love.

If you are psychic or sensitive, this will also protect your aura and energy fields (Chakras, etc).

To recharge or refresh it, you could put it on when you go to sleep from the new moon to the full moon, or the night before the full moon, etc. You may just want to ask the cloak how it wants to be cared for.

You can store it in your heart chakra. If you meditate probably a container will be given to you. Perhaps a golden chest. On the astral plane "size" doesn't really exist. The Chakras are small points of energy on your body, but they are also whole universes within themselves as well.


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