The full moon, on the west coast, is at 11:03, on the 11th day, today. This is the first year that it really sunk in, that I really really noticed, that this moon is always a struggle for me.
As a Capricorn, it could just be that this is the last full moon before "my" full moon next month in Cancer, and that as the crescendo of the year approaches, I am mired by my own shortcomings and failings. What have I been doing since the holidays? What have I brought to the first half of the year?
However, it could also be that, as the mirror of the "fallow" moon during Sag-- the full moon that falls between the last night of Samhain and Yule, when natural witches practice no magic--that this moon is "busy". She certainly wasn't to be seen last night in Los Angeles, the cloud cover was so thick. (Clouds in June are an empty promise. "June Gloom" it is called. But at least it keeps the scorching heat away for another month.)
Perhaps it is best to finish these eleventh hour tasks, then light a candle, say a blessing to the moon and celebrate her with some strawberry shortcake. (This full moon is the Strawberry Moon.)
Below I have back posted the conclusion of last month's full moon musings.
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