I have misplaced my notes for this post. I've been having some bad karma come back lately-- things misplaced, lost, removed, etc. I am trying to remain thankful that these are relatively minor things, and not something major, like a computer or car problem, etc.
Mystical experiences, like the effects of psychotropic drugs or night dreams, are not easy to hang onto once they pass. Sometimes it takes many days, even weeks or months or years, for the vision to assemble itself coherently in the "logical" world. Even when I could find my notes I was having a hard time sorting this one out.
First, I need to go back to another post that I have had a hard time finishing. From Easter, saved as a Draft, THE LIFE AND THE RESURRECTION. One of the insights I received from attending Mass and taking Communion was that we are always in the cycle of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction.
If you want to create something new, there is a good chance that you will destroy something, effectively ending it's season of Preservation. We must always have a balance of all three, and more importantly, we must all recognize that other people sometimes play a part in keeping that balance for us and between us.
To take one of today's hot topics: In order to create equal marriage laws for gays and lesbians, same gender unions, we must destroy the legislation that recognizes only "opposite gender" marriages. The people who are preserving the current legislation will, naturally, try to destroy the new creation.
I am for equal marriage laws for all people, but I am realizing too, that even if my side is "right" we must exercise tolerance and respect. There are too many people who think they are "right" and will pick a fight about whatever their beliefs are. The people who are most frightened of change will fight the hardest, because they will have the most to lose.
On the night of the full moon I had a lot of beautiful visions of each human as a flower on a rosebush. The bud must not bemoan the blossoming flower, the wilting petals must not lament the emerging stamens. That we must each blossom in our own way, in our own time. We must stay connected to our own growth.
I also felt very strongly the feeling that I often contemplate, that rarely comes as a vision but leaves long lasting effects when it does, that both future and past are uncertain. In each moment, each and everything we do has the power to ripple out in all directions, and change everything, even the past. It sounds crazy when I read it now, but on the night of the Bealtaine Full Moon, I saw it clearly. The more you hold this moment and no other, the more transformative power this moment has, even over the "unchangeable", and the more power you have.
This was encouraging, because I saw that, if we continue to follow the path that we are on, things could get very bad. The future is always in motion. Therefore, the more we can turn our consciousness away from anger, hate, destruction, the stronger the possibility we can avert disaster, at least upon our own selves. We must focus on the moment and on ourselves and our own growth, at whatever stage we are at.
I felt strongly that there would be more natural disasters and wars this year, but that the Great Mother would shelter those that rooted themselves in her power. I felt very strongly the "command" to interact with the earth and in particular, to plant "corn" for the god Lugh at his feast, Lughnassadh, in August. I feel we must nurture and appreciate the green growing things as much as possible.
(As a side note: During World War 2 there was rationing and everyone was encouraged to grow a Victory Garden for fresh vegetables. I believe that our country could do with the idea that, whether we want the war or not, we do need to ration. We would do well right now to conserve our resources. And working in a garden is such an excellent way to become in tune with our own natural rythyms and to become more balanced and healthy, in all ways: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. But please, don't take your cell phone, iPod, or mini-tv with you. Conscious interaction with nature is required.)
It was a foreboding re-assurance that by rooting myself in the sunrise and set, the moon's cycle, the growing vegetables and flowers, the simple act of tending and nurturing everyday: weeding and watering, fertilizing and pruning, etc, I'd make it through a tricky and troubled time "a-okay!" But it was not a bad feeling. It carried with a tremendous sense of women throughout time, who had kept the homefront quiet and safe by rooting themselves in day to day life.
It also carried with it the realization that during times when more and more people are miserable and unhappy and suffering, the small joys and simple pleasures must be savoured. There must be a greater "shutting out" of the world for people like me, who feel the world too strongly. (Conversely, for those that have always been in sync with their own lives and nothing else, this is a time of shake-up and discovery. The rebel must retire, the Pollyana must rage.)
We must become new people now. We must grow in the areas where we have always been weak, and become masters of ourselves. We must destroy what we have preserved, create what we have destroyed, preserve what we are creating, even knowing that someday it will be destroyed.
Now, earlier in the evening, a friend had called to say that she was going to do the Full Moon and Pink Light spell. After I had finished my circle and come inside, I checked my email and found a message from her saying that she had been fine, until a big scary whoosh that rattled the windows and sent a wind through her house. I told her it was probably just a BIG spirit (or alot of them) and not a bad one. Just that it had a big presence. I advised her to meditate more and it wouldn't be so difficult for the spirits to reach her, and messages and visits would come in more manageable amounts.
I still believe this is true for her, but as I was going to sleep I had another vision, something that I had seen but not noticed during my moon gazing. It was the ghost of Adolf Hitler. There was a feeling that came with it that made me uncomfortable.
In my next post I will examine racism from a spiritual perspective, and hopefully, make sense of what I saw and felt.
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