Friday, May 05, 2006


The moon waxes and wanes, not the sun. The sun is a steady centre and source, not just of light, but of life. But in order to more fully understand the Quarter day of Bealtaine, or May Day, I compare the Earth's annual dance with the sun to the monthly cycle of the moon.

The Sun is "new" at Yule, the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), Ostara, the Spring Equinox is his "First Quarter", at Litha, the Summer Solstice he is "Full", and at Mabon, the Fall Equinox, he commences his "Fourth Quarter". This is also the beginnig of the Samhain Season, or Halloween, the waning and then weak half of the Year, when the God is dying and then reborn, but still an infant. (That is why natural witches practice no magic from the dark moon after Samhain until the day after Yule. It is the Fallow time of the year, and also, I say only half joking, even the spirits deserve a vacation.)

If we are in tune, I believe that we will dig the garden beds and mulch from Yule to Ostara. We will plant the seeds of change between Ostara and Bealtaine, and during the Bealtaine Season we will tend our gardens. Tonight is second only to Samhain as the most mystical night of the year. During Samhain, however, it is the spirits of the Dead who come back to feast with the living. Samhain is the first feast after the slaughter of the animals. Samhain is the last feast of the summer, and the beginning of the dark days of winter.

Bealtaine is the first burst of life from the earth and the promise of fertility and the enjoyment of summer. Bealtaine is a feast of the "first fruits," wild things from the earth, the first cultivated sprouts in the fields, the first weaning of the calves born at Imbolc, the first sacred mating of the Lord and the Lady.

Remember, unlike Planetary Hours that mark a day from Sunrise to Sunrise, or calendar days that change at midnight, the ancient Fire festivals begin at dusk. The Druids saw that all things began in darkness, so each day began at twilight; the old sun dying in the west, gestating in the darkness to be born again in the East at dawn.

If you cannot leap a bonfire tonight and dance a Maypole tomorrow, then at least light a candle and make a wish in the twilight. And tomorrow, or even Sunday, go for a walk outside in nature. Even if it is just a neighbourhood park, really take in the green grass and yellow dandelions, the new leaves on the trees, the birds and the squirrels. Shut out traffic and other humans noises and just listen to the conversation the earth is having.

Bealtaine is a time of marriage and union: the God and the Goddess, the sun and the growing earth, the artist and the lover with life.

What do you embrace for the coming six months? What seeds do you plant? What wish do you make?

The details:

Bealtaine is the sun at 15 degrees Taurus. Today is Bealtaine Eve. Today in planetary rulings is a Friday, ruled by Venus/Aphrodite the goddess of Love. Astrologically the moon is in Leo, the sign ruled by the sun. Tomorrow, Bealtaine itself, is a Saturday ruled by Saturn.

The moon will go void tonight at 10:01 PM, which astrologically means that "nothing will come of actions taken" which I take to interpret as no love child will result from your celebratory coupling. (At least pleasure yourself if you do not have a partner. It is a crime not to have an orgasm on Bealtaine Eve!)

The moon will enter Virgo, ruled by Mercury/Hermes, at 5 AM (before dawn on the west coast). My personal belief is that Virgo is ruled by the "other" messenger god, the Goddess Iris, the Goddess of the Rainbow. I work with her during Mercury retrograde periods as the messenger goddess, and when the moon is in Virgo I work with her for my health and healing.

This Bealtaine Season, and the waxing half of the year, will be all about health. In particular, cleaning up your act and old karma. That means that old health issues might arise, but it is going to be a great time to get them taken care of. Also to lose weight, begin an excersise programme, etc.

If you began last week at the new moon with a dedication for the Season and plans for the next six months, you will know by the full moon next Friday night what the Universe is giving you the okay or the go ahead. This should be a week of celebration and renewal, but if you are attempting endeavours that are not wise, you will most likely get a "message" in the next week. Sometimes the message feels like you fell flat on your face or that you failed. It's probably just not the right time or you need to rethink your plan of action.

That is why I suggest planting three seeds, and watching to see which one sprouts and which one shrivels.

(In terms of actual planting in the garden, say of tomato plants or flowers, wait until the Scorpio moon on Thursday and Friday.)

Praises, Thanks, & Blessings!!!

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