Tuesday, May 02, 2006


People ask me this alot. Sometimes they ask me why I think they are a witch.

I am talking about what I call "natural witches". This is not the same as the modern pagan term "hereditary witches" or so I've been told.

Natural witches have the ability to "make" things happen, particularly for other people. Not all people who practice witchcraft or Wicca are natural witches.

When I began to get visions of chakras, auras, and other energy forms, I began to see that often people would have a mark on them. (Between the Third Eye and the crown chakra, usually where the hairline is at the top of the brow.)

Another thing people will ask me is "where did you learn that?" I have had a lot of human teachers and I read alot of books (not just on witchcraft) but most of what I have learned has come through a kind of psychic osmosis.

I have learned more about nature, magic, witchcraft, and life itself, simply by gazing at the beauty of the moon and the stars.

I believe that one of the main tasks of all natural witches is to project Love (through psychic energy)out into the world. This is the main task for a witch. Another important one, especially right now, is to have Faith.

By doing this a healing takes place in the people who come in contact with you. This is the strongest magic there is. Once you have witnessed this power you will believe it. Witches, indeed all of us, need to keep the faith that the power of Love will touch all who need it, and that Love WILL "save the world."

Today is great day to work in the garden. The moon is in the most fruitful sign, Cancer, and waxing. However, if you weed or prune remember they will just grow back faster. Better to wait until a barren sign, or even the waning moon if you are going to do major trimming.


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