Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I am lagging. I have no excuse! This really just hit me reading an article about the date tomorrow.

9-9-09. The last single digit until next century (2101-01-01). The nines of completion. The nines of mystery; the moment when the centre of the labyrinth is reached; when the enigma is understood.

9's are potent with power, magick, and are the keys to all doorways.

I suggest at 9:09 AM tomorrow--wherever you are, whatever you are doing--you stop and take a moment to make a wish, or say a prayer, or visualise something that you really want.

Let your thoughts and wishes be empowered and energised. Let the energy draw your desires to you.

I don't know if there are people that will experience tomorrow negatively. (I suppose there will be.) I also don't know what to make of this day falling on a Wednesday during the first week of a Mercury retrograde, while the sun is in Mercury's second sign of Virgo.

It seems likely that the magick of tomorrow will answer all of those questions.

Send out a little love to the Universe, and to the earth and all of her creatures!!!!
It will be multiplied not just by 3, but by 3 x 3!!!!!!


PS- if you do a Circle, I would suggest chanting "Merry Meet" when closing. I think this can serve to cement a relationship between you, the witch, and the energies. The magickal 9 energy from this day would be good to have a formal relationship with.

Merry meet is really kind of a spell or binding:

As merry we have met
As merry we have been
So merry may we part
And merry meet again!!!

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