Wednesday, August 05, 2009


There are six eclipses this year, instead of the usual four. Tonight is the fifth, the first of the "extras".

Our primal brain--that stem at the base of the neck, our "snake" brain--has not forgotten that this time, when the sun is Leo, is the most critical point of the year.

Imagine a world where everything hinged on the almost ripe fields making it to harvest. Even the king would starve if there was a natural disaster, storm, or drought. Money could not-- and still cannot- buy food when there is none.

With summer's lush fullness and fertility came the greatest threats. And the most heat. In the humming, bee-laden, indolence of summer's great abundance is the threat of a hungry winter.

This is the time of year when dreams for the future are at their most fragile.

There is alot of Mars action this month. (If you haven't read Nolle's August Astro-pro forecast, I would, it explains a lot about what is happening right now.) Expect a lot of anger in the air. If you are empathic or psychic, I would say be on guard against "infection" from it.

This month, "de-FRAG" often (rid yourself of fear, resentment, anger, and guilt). Those are the magnets for punishment, pain, and conflict. Do not think that vigilance is always the answer. Too much fear or anger, and you become a psychic magnet for predators and crazies.

Tonight is the best night of the year to gaze at the moon and take her light into your eyes. She illuminates everything, let her shine into your soul.


PS-- The "real" Lughnassadh, or Lammas, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo, is Friday sunset to Saturday sundown.

Also-- Mercury goes retrograde on the 24th of August.

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