Saturday, May 16, 2009


I often say that Mediums are more popular with the dead than the living. In fact, I said it just a few hours ago.

Something I don't say nearly enough is that the living person contains more ghosts and spirits than the dead.

How's that, you say? Is this something like the Robert Frost poem, where the dead have souls?

Well, the dead do have souls. The spirits of the dead have souls. But what we think of as "I" is in many ways a collection of consciousnesses/spirits, organised around a central Medium, or observer.

The human spirit is an amazing thing. It is a container for so many entities-- in the same way that the human body contains heart, liver, skin, bones, and the brain. (And the brain is a container for the mind and the emotions, the skin is a container for the body, etc.)

The human spirit must also contain the soul, and in the afterlife the memory of the body (and of this life). And memory of all these different components that make-up that indvidual package called "me, myself, and I."

Beyond the physical there is the spirits of the physical. The spirit of health, or perhaps disease. And the spirits of the mental and emotional. The spirit of kindness or cruelty, of anger or affection. And then there are ideas, behaviours, thought forms-- some have spirits, some are the offspring of spirits.

The ancient Greek playwrights believed that comedy and tragedy were two different ways of looking at the same situations. And of the two, that comedy was the more challenging to write.

I believe that this is true in life as well. Tragedy is easier to see in most situations than comedy.

Tears are easier than laughter, or laughter is used to fight off tears. But to be able to have true Laughter and Joy close at hand, in all situations, is rare. Especially when tragedy is present. Tragedy is selfish and demands attention and always stands right in front of the camera.

I think it is a matter of proximity. Some spirits hover closer to us. To reach regeneration, perhaps some of us must first travel through the spirits of self-destruction. We are here in this imperfect life to experience imperfection. We come from a place of perfection.

Perhaps all of these "bad" things are just the opposite of love. There are moments, and they do seem to come more frequently these days, when I realise that my fears and worries are all just a reflection of my lack of love for myself.

My belief (i.e., idea, programming, expectation, opinion, feeling, and probably sub- or unconscious) that my imperfection in this life means that I am damaged, or incomplete, or wrong.

My worry about the future is really just a belief that I do not deserve happiness, or that it is not possible for me. Even if the exact same circumstances in the past have always worked out to my advantage, my fear is that this time I will be punished for not being good enough, or for having made a mistake.

If I cannot find enough love for myself then I will have no love to offer other people. I will not be able to nourish my environment, or trust it to thrive. Therefore, I must always find the way through pain (or anger or fear) to love, patience, and understanding. Once that is my central focus, everything will organise itself around those things, instead of tragedy or suffering.

And I know when I am in the right place ("head-space") when everything around me is healthy and growing. Or at the very least, when I am able to tend it, and improve it, without bringing harm to myself.

The situation, or circumstances might even stay the same, but I will be different. I will be in a place of awareness of love, and therefore have the spirit of Love always at the ready, always at hand.

We see everything as if in a mirror. Everything has a reflection. We can only see ourselves in other people. We appreciate our blessings because of our burdens. It seem the human failing- we cannot have joy without sorrow, love without hate.

I think actually, this is a strength. This is why we come to this life. Joy is made more precious by sorrow. So many situations that I see in my life is that I am given poverty in order to make wealth, or anger to transform into happiness, and I fail to use--or even recognise-- my own power.

In recognising this it is no longer necessary to suffer needlessly or deeply. I believe an awareness of the potential for suffering is usually enough to avoid it. Much like heat creates an awareness of the danger of fire, without having to be burned.

God/dess did not create you to be unhappy, or alone, or miserable. You were created out of awareness. The Divine is all things- and here in this life we are aware of all things, joy as well as sorrow. And we have been given Free Will.


With Free Will comes a Divine responsibility: even in the worst of times, you must choose happiness. The spirit of Happiness must be summoned when her reflection is most dim. Space must be made for her in yourself when it is most crowded with her opposites.

We can always decide to be happy. And once that is decided, happiness radiates outward and magnetically pulls too us all of the situations we need to be happy. And even when the clouds come along, we are aware that they are momentary, and that the sunshine is still there, just waiting to appear again.

Decide to somehow find love and understanding for everything the comes into your world, into your consciousness, for the next five days, or weeks, or minutes. Repeat this as necessary.

I promise you that once you find that place of non-judgement, the spirit of happiness will be hovering close by, and ready to be recieved by you, at any time and in any circumstance.


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