Wednesday, August 20, 2008


As a psychic, I often share with people visions of the future.  One thing that many people find confusing is "if the future is not set, than isn't any prophecy potentially wrong?"  No, and yes.

We have free will.  We always have choices in how we are going to respond to events in our lives.  As far as I can tell, we have alot more free will than say, a tree or an animal or a rock.  A tree cannot choose to grow straight and rob light from other trees.  If there are other trees too close to it, it must grow where there is light available, even if it means having a crooked trunk.

Moreover, in each moment in time there are countless possibilities available to us.  Usually we choose what is familiar, what seems most likely for success, and what we are comfortable choosing.  I have seen many people, especially recently, make significant changes to their lives by making different choices.

I do not just see this world, but other worlds as well, and I see how those other worlds effect ours.  Every possibility is available in every moment, it's just that some are much closer and more likely than others.  Future moments are determined by the choices we make in the present, and all of the choices we made in the past.

Each moment in our lives is similar to the process of creating a necklace of beads or pearls.  The string is the timeline of lives, and the beads are the choices that we make.  Until the day we leave this life the necklace is unfinished.   And often the length of the string is determined by the choices we make.  Choose a bead that breaks the string, and the necklace is done.

Even the best psychic is only seeing the most likely of possible outcomes.  

Surrounding each person is a kind of magnetic force field.  Part of this field is the aura.  Each person's thoughts, beliefs, health, and feelings create this force field.  Since all possibilities are present, the force field acts as an attractant to the beads that are most likely to be chosen.  For instance, if you feel success is likely in a certain situation, that "success" bead is hovering near to you.  

However, if you feel that something is unlikely, or won't work out, or your core beliefs contradict what you want emotionally or mentally, the "bead" that has the strongest attraction will override the others.  And usually that magnet will be your core beliefs.

If you have anger at a certain person or situation, and you believe that anger is justified, likely you will keep attracting anger.  If you believe there is a loving outcome, you will attract that loving outcome- although in this example, if the other person is still feeling anger, it may be that you simply do not ever see the person again.  

All of our experiences begin in ourselves.  Each thought creates a magnet that either attracts or repels.  Luckily there is one magnet that will never steer you wrong: unconditional Love.  By staying rooted in Love for yourself and for others, you will always attract the best possible outcome in any given situation.  With Love there is no need for judgments.  If you are trying to attract a lover or a job, just know that whatever it is you are ready to accept will come to you.

Perhaps some of the undesirable job offers or lovers are simply from old magnets that you created in the past.  Whatever choices you made before, you were doing the best you could.  And unless you have a working time machine, you cannot go back and change those choices.  Trust that you are growing organically and authentically in each moment.

Love yourself and accept yourself as you are.  You are not like anyone else that has ever lived before, or anyone that will ever live again.  You are perfect, whole and complete as yourself.  You are only imperfect if you judge yourself against another.  Do not condemn your limitations.  They are part of what makes you authentic.  Learn to embrace them.  I know that I am a perfect Rae, but I am a very imperfect Angelina Jolie, or anyone else for that matter.  Why choose anything but perfection?  

All of us are here to journey through the countless, endless possibilities that each moment of our lives offers us.  The more aligned you are with your true self and with Love, the more that exactly what you need will come to you.  The future is not set.  You have many choices to make, and each day is a journey that brings you closer to the realisation and expression of your perfect, whole, and complete self, and your authentic life.


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