Sunday, March 30, 2008


I will continue my posts on Your Psychic Awakening next time.

When I say the power of dreaming, I am not talking about sleep dreaming. I mean fantasies, or daydreams, or positive thinking of the kind in The Secret.

As a witch and psychic, I see things differently than other people. I don't see the dead or energy the way that psychics see them on television, where you cannot distinguish between what is the outside world, and what is the non-visible world. But there is a kind of "shadow" that surrounds most people. In that shadow I see people's spirits, their auras and energy, sometimes I will see "marks" or spots in their auras that indicate certain problems or thoughts. And I see things in people that often they do not see in themselves. For instance, if they have certain talents or powers that are not manifesting.

Dreams and aspirations often release a kind of mist. Similar perhaps to the energy of prayer, but not as "solid". Depending on how much desire is present, and how much of that desire is attractive, that mist can draw the dream closer to the dreamer. (A lot of desire is based on a feeling of lack, and creates the feeling of wanting. Lack and wanting actually push the desired object away. That is a complex subject and a post for another time.)

For the last few years I have been on a campaign to transform All Fools' Day into All Dreams Day. Wikipedia does not cover the history of the holiday as I learned it. My understanding was that on All Fool's, the jester was crowned king, and the king was the jester for a day. A joke, perhaps, but what a strong king to be so unafraid, even for a day.

A few years ago, meditating on the tarot's Fool, number 0, I came up with All Dreams Day. The Fool embodies the energy of all the major arcana cards. He is all possibilities. To have the "fool rule" for a day would in essence mean that all possibilities are present. If the jester can be king, and the king made to play the fool, then certainly the energy of the day can create real and lasting change.

And since our dreams do emit a kind of energy, a day of collective dreaming would serve to democratically guide the Universe toward the kind of future we all want. So on April Fools, I am going to post my dreams. Not dreams for myself, necessarily, but dreams for the world. I want to encourage everyone to do the same.

On April First, after you pin that dead fish sticker on your co-worker's back, take ten minutes and pretend that you have been given the crown of the Universe. You can make any changes you want to the world. The more detailed the better. If we have world peace what does it look like? Have we ended starvation? Solved the oil crises? How have we done those things?

Even if you do not share your dreams with anyone, it will still make a difference. The power of many people dreaming at once is a powerful magick. And I think we need a day where we are encouraged to dream on a large scale even more than we need a day of practical jokes.

As a true dreamer and visionary said, "Imagine all the people..." I am imagining all the people dreaming a new world and a better future.

"You may say I'm a dreamer/ but I'm not the only one/ I hope someday you'll join us/ and the world will be as one."


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