Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The other day one of my young friends told me that my blog post titles were often "too girly".

"I read your blog when the titles are compelling-- like The Cosmic Trigger," he informed me.

Since the only title I could think of for this post was "Leo Moon" or some such, and since no previous post is named "Cosmic Trigger" (yeah-- what blog has he been reading??) hence the title of this post.

Actually, right now, there is not one, but three cosmic triggers at work. (Mercury, Pluto, and Jupiter.)

The Aquarian Sun versus Leo Moon opposition (the full moon) actually happened earlier this morning. These early morning full moons are sometimes tricky for witches that practice natural magick. Monday's are ruled by the moon and the moon's home sign is Cancer. On the down side, the moon was void all day yesterday.

If you aren't doing any magick-- or any waxing moon magick-- then I think you would be better doing the full moon rite tonight, while the moon is in the sign of Leo. (Honestly, I think right now is not the time to be doing magick. There is too much shifting around of the energies.) However, this is just one instance, and it is better to go on a case by case basis.

The sunny, summer-y Leo moon is always a reminder to take happiness, joy, and light whenever you find it. Especially this year. Make it a habit today to laugh as often as possible, to sing and dance every day-- even if it is just around your living room-- and to be happy no matter what circumstances surround you. Because circumstances are about to change, and then change some more.

For the straight astrology on what is happening, I direct you to Nolle's Astropro and Claudia's Moonsurfing under my LINKS. Let me address the mystic and mythic.

Saturn (Chronos) was the father of Jupiter (Zeus). Jupiter was an ambitious son and so he usurped his father and the other titans and installed himself (and his siblings and progeny) as the new gods. Jupiter gave to his brother Pluto (Hades) the underworld.

Pluto, you might recall, at one point kidnapped Proserpina (Persephone) from her mother Ceres (Demeter). (If you aren't familiar with the story, you might want to read it on Wikipedia.) Demeter/Ceres withdrew her agricultural bounty for six months out the year, when her daughter was below ground with her husband in the underworld. Hence we have winter. Demeter's constellation is Virgo.

Okay, so Saturn, the grandfather of the gods who rules karma and time, is in the house of Virgo, which rules health, among other things. In my personal cosmos many people I know are dealing with health issues right now-- either their own or their loved ones.

Since 20 December we have had the current ruler of the gods-- Jupiter/Zeus-- in grandpapa's house of Capricorn. Expansion in the house of limitation. Things that are bad will get worse, but not so much the other way around.

On Burns Night, 25 January, Pluto will move into Capricorn. Pluto is a slow moving planet, and it has been in Sagitarius since 1996. Be prepared for a major shift. Pluto in the house of Karma is not something to view lightly. Especially through 2009, during the Jupiter transit of Capricorn. The skeletons won't be rattling in the closet, they will be walking and talking and looking for flesh to feed upon, like in all of those zombie movies.

Last but not least, in the short-range forecast, we have that cunning, tricky, messenger Mercury (Hermes) in it's intersolar cycle, which includes the retrograde period from 28 January to 16 February. This will be one retrograde cycle where you will want to double check everything.

Next week will bring some turnarounds in your life. I would bet on it. Whatever they are, try to welcome them. Change is the order of the day right now. And the changes that are coming will be big ones. And it is probably their time.

No matter where you are at or what is going on, remember, any honest attempt to pay off karmic debts will be rewarded, as long as you are willing to accept the consequences. This is a great time to clear out, overhaul, edit, revise, and make amends.

And it is also a good time to smile at everyone you meet, laugh at silly things as often as possible, give to charity (especially those related to health and food), and to change your entire life. Virgo rules healing, too.

I think a line from the movie THE KROUPIER will be applicable: "Hold on tightly; let go lightly."


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