Thursday, April 06, 2006


How are you handling the 24 hour moon void (over Thursday morning at 930AM)??? Cranky and irritable? I am. My Saturn ruler goes direct during my opposing sign's long moon void. Today (Wednesday) was a long tedious day and not very fruitful.

Friday night's Pluto vs. Mars match concerns me a little. The main event is early Saturday morning 1:22 AM. Just around the time the bars close out here on the West Coast. Try to avoid confrontations if you can. With Saturn direct and showy (and show off-y) Leo moon, consequences could be serious and drama exponential. There are alot of over the edge people right now. And we still aren't out from under the shadow of an earthquake. Be prepared.

Stay safe. Count your blessings. This weekend might be a nice weekend to lay low and dye easter eggs. Celebrate spring, celebrate re-birth and even sacrifice. The feast of the first lamb, the blood of the king--the sacred marriage. This time of year is sacred for many religions and there is alot of mystical energy right now. Use it for prayers and blessings and wishes and planting seeds for the future.


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