Monday, August 11, 2008


I actually did my ritual for Lughnassadh on the day itself, and not the Eve, as I had planned.  Generally I try not to postpone rituals.  I've had a number of people question why I feel it is important to do say, new moon rites on the night of the new moon, and not when it is convenient.  Personally, I feel the energy of whatever is being celebrated.  It's perhaps somewhat similar to having a birthday party on your actual birthday.  Or perhaps more like witnessing the birth itself, instead of showing up with cigars later.  

And many people have questioned why ritual itself is important?  Since the energy is there at the time, why not just tune into it while you are doing whatever else it is that you need or want to be doing, and not have to take time out of your schedule?

In these days of "multi-tasking" that seems legitimate.  But you can't multi-task with the spirit world, or the astral plane, or non-human nature spirits.  Being a witch is alot like being a priest, there are certain times and days that need to be observed.  It is a conversation, or perhaps more of a dinner party, for the entities involved in the ritual.  You can't have a dinner party while you are out running errands or at someone else's party, etc.

The ritual, like a dinner party, has several aspects: the feast, friends, and a place to gather.  You cast the Circle and create a space for these entities to inhabit.  Usually I have an altar set up for that particular ritual: representations of earth, air, fire, water, and I usually have out feathers to represent the winds as well.  I call Guardians (personally I use the Sons of Horus from the Egyptians and modern Egyptian practitioners), beings that are friends from the astral plane, ancestor spirits, the elemental kingdoms and their rulers, and I invite my angels.  

(Two other entities that usually attend are "Star", a star spirit that rarely speaks to me but that I feel.  The other is "Singer" which I think is also a star spirit, or perhaps the same star spirit.  She is very interesting to me because she comes only to hear the offering song.  She has communicated to me that just as we humans have particular music that we like, for her the sound of the human voice is one of the most beautiful sounds in the Universe.  Sometimes when I am singing during daily activities she drops by to give me kudos for engaging in her favourite activity.)

Generally I invoke only the Deities I am working with or honouring in that ritual (although I do know of one coven that uses ancient Celtic Gods as their Circle guardians; a practice I do not feel comfortable with). I always try to have offerings of both food, drink, and something else- coins, or flowers, whatever is appropriate.  And I always sing a song as an offering as well.  (My standard Circle song is 'Tis A Gift To Be Simple, a Quaker hymn that I adapted-- instead of "valley of love and delight" I sing "a Circle of love and delight".)

I try to have something appropriate for the purpose of the ritual.  If I am honouring the moon, as I do twice every twenty eight days (new moon and full moon) I try to have something prepared to do or say- much like the toast at a dinner party to the guest of honour.  And if I am doing magick I usually have whatever materials I need and offerings for the blessings that are given to my spells.  (This aspect can be compared to a fundraising dinner party, where your guests are people that you are asking for financial or other support for your cause.)

The reasons for ritual are so numerous.  I learn so much from the beings that attend my Circle. The "conversation" with the Divine and with nature and nature spirits is similar to conversations with friends: ignore them for too long and you lose touch.
Moreover, as a natural witch, if I do not do ritual to use my inherent magickal energy, it builds up and can become negative.  It is like psychic energy, you have to expend it so that it doesn't clog up or stagnate and work against you.  For example, as many of us know all too well, if you eat more than you exercise you gain weight.  It is the same with spiritual energy.  There needs to be a balance of meditation, study, prayer or magick, and ritual.  

I am not a Wiccan, but I do recommend Scott Cunningham's Guide For The Solitary Practitioner.  Marian Greene is also an excellent beginner's resource for ritual.  


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