New moons are the time of growth beneath the surface. A time to plant seeds of inspiration and hope that will grow and take root between now and the full moon. Eclipses usually take something away or block something from sight. Eclipses can also be times of miracles-- keeping in mind that often one man's miracle is another man's disaster.
For example, if our financial institutions get the repairs and overhaul they need to create a truly sustainable and healthy economy, most of us would benefit. At least in the long run. But many people who have been reaping the rewards of our "fast money for no work" system would find their lives and pocketbooks in shambles.
Magickly and spiritually, tonight is the night for meditation and cleansing. Tomorrow night is the night for intention. And Saturday night is the night for purpose and action. Light a candle tonight and see that the things you don't need in your life, that are holding you back- habits, possessions, lifestyle choices, etc- are being "eclipsed." Picture these things leaving you, flowing away on the death-tide of the old moon.
On Friday night do your New Moon circle and sing praises to the moon as the Dark Lady, hidden from our view. As an article in this year's Witches Almanac explains, the New Moon is a time when the seed is still below ground. No growth has emerged yet, but it is there. About to push through the surface. Visualise strongly the things that you are bringing into your life. As the moon's crescent grows over the next two weeks, be sure that your dreams will emerge as well.
On Saturday night consecrate the actions you have taken to bring your new dreams to fruition. For me that means mailing out my manuscript to a publisher, throwing out old clothes that no longer fit me, and making sure that old business is wrapped up as much as possible.
Someone asked me today if I have been getting any "feelings" about 8-8-08. Until she asked me that, I hadn't. The 8th is one of the quarter days. Lughnasadh, or Lammas, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo. This is a lesser quarter day, the greater quarter days being Samhain and Bealtaine, the ancestors of Halloween and May Day respectively. Among modern pagans it is celebrated as the Feast of First Harvest. Among the Druids it may or may not have been celebrated, and if it was, probably more as pastoral holiday- fattening up the sheep when the grass is high, and perhaps the last mating before winter.
It is also two days after the Uranus- Mars opposition. My feeling about this coming week, not necessarily just the 8th, is that a big shift is occurring, and probably will be felt even by the most oblivious "muggles"- or non-magickal people.
Personally, I have been thinking alot about this blog, and why I write these posts. I haven't been posting much lately because the truth is, I feel like I have said everything I can say about the times we are in. I've been saying the same things for the last four years. This year and next are the biggest turning points in the "end of the world as all the people who came before us knew it." The Mayan Doomsday cycle to some, the Great Awakening, as I call it, to others.
Self-awareness, unconditional love for self and others (as much as possible), preparation for natural disasters (a lot of storms and seismic activity will be present in the next week or two), releasing all criticism, anger, resentment, fear, and guilt- these are things that must be attended to most urgently.
In the Moonsurfing newsletter Claudia says that this is a time when you will discover what you are meant to be-- not do. I would add to that by saying "be who you really are, and what you are meant to do will naturally follow."
Hold steady while the boat rocks, and keep on course, no matter what tempests and storms may blow.
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