Friday, April 11, 2008


This is the last post in a series.

When your psychic facilities begin to increase, if you don't keep a record of it, a lot of "static" can get mixed up in the signal. That is why journaling is so important.

At first you may not know what impressions to record. Your "hits" will just seem like random thoughts, until they are confirmed. You think about a friend, and you bump into them. You get a nagging feeling to take a longer route to work, only to find that your usual route is backed up due to an accident (or you yourself get into an accident, which has happened to me).

Even if you don't recall when you had the premonition, at least begin to record when it is confirmed, and any memory you have of the initial thought. This will also help to really alert your subconscious to the importance of these thoughts. Writing cements things. It makes them important to your mind. (And others, if you write publicly. )

It is also important to record meditations with your Spirit Guides and Angels, and Guardian Spirits. The latter, honestly, can be as easy to ignore as good advice from a friend. But it is more difficult to ignore the accuracy of a Spirit Guide giving you information from the dead, or Angels telling you things about situations in your life that you cannot physically see.

Moreover, recording conversations with your Guides creates a space for them to exist here. A stronger space than the lighting of a candle, and sometimes even stronger than the space that ritual can create.

As someone who has been writing since she learned the alphabet, journaling comes naturally to me. I have about six different journals: a couple for regular, day to day, "Captain's Log" type stuff; one for my Angels; one for dreams; one for astral travel; one for my Spirit Guides; and I keep a Mirror Book to record my work as a witch, which I will hopefully one day turn into a Grimoire, or Book of Shadows. (I also keep a Gratitude Book, per Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance suggestion.)

For all that, I don't journal as much or as often as I should. It takes a lot of discipline to faithfully record any aspect of life, much less something as slippery as psychic development. But the most important thing is to make an effort. Just do what you can. Even if it is only a few sentences a week, or when something really obvious happens, it will be worth it.

And if you are giving readings for other people, try to record as much as you remember. Psychic visions often have a dream like, or hallucinogenic quality that can make it difficult to remember them afterwards. Like a dream journal, the more you record your readings and visions, the more you will begin to understand your mind's own private language.


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