Saturday, December 08, 2007


EDIT: I made a few mistakes regarding Jupiter's movements in the first draft. They are corrected in this version. I also forget to mention Wednesday's all day moon-void. Below is the update, if you read the first version of this post, my apologies!

On every week's to-do list is "blog Conjurings." I have become terribly neglectful of this site, and I don't mean to be. Reading both Nolle (December astro-cast) and Moonsurfing reminded me that I need to post on the upcoming Jupiter-Pluto meeting on the 11th, not to mention tomorrow's new moon, and Jupiter's move into Capricorn on the 18th. Then there is also the on-going saga of Mars retrograde, Saturn's upcoming retrograde, and the Jupiter-Uranus square. And, pretty much all of those planets listed will be ganging up on Mars at some point.

Holy Gaucomole, Batman! Is it the end of the world?

Even if you understand the basics of astrology that first paragraph is overwhelming. Remember, three years ago, when I said that "now is the time to prepare for the future"? Well, it's the future. And the future is turning into a big mess. Especially if you haven't filed the paperwork to get your karma cleaned up. (And even if you did, you are probably in the thick of it right now anyhow.)

If you do understand astrology, I suggest you go read Nolle's extremely technical astro-cast, and Moonsurfings' empathic, almost too-optimistic, report. They balance each other out. I'm just going to give you the run-down on why I follow astrology and my mythic-based, and mystic, understanding of all the hoopla.

I believe that astrology is not the answer, or even an answer. I think astrology is the question "how do humans fit into the Universe?" I believe that we are here for two main reasons: to learn to love unconditionally, and to solve the problems that come up again and again in our lives. I believe that those problems are the reason we are here-- not to get a better job, or raise children, or buy a plasma television, or write poems. Those are just the conduits to solving those problem patterns.

So, the really interesting thing I see in all of these aspects-- and there has been some hoopla over the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction being near the center of the galaxy, which some say could be the second coming, and others say is the peak of the Doomsday cycle-- is that retrograde Mars is actually going back in order to face a major brawl.

Pluto, who got "demoted" to a dwarf planet the last time he took on Mars, has lined up with the big Daddy, Jupiter. Look for more hidden information and skeletons in the closet from secretive organisations like the CIA. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, loves to dig up the dirt, and now he has the backing of Jupiter. However, one of the titans, Uranus, seems a little irritated by this, given the Jupiter-Uranus square. But that could also be interpreted as Uranus doing his job to be unpredictable and erratic.

And even if you only just glance at the Yahoo news page, it's easy to see that accidents, explosions, and outbursts have increased since Mars went retrograde on 15 November. Read Nolle for the depressing details of how Mars has been affecting the war in Iraq.

However, in my interpretation, this is still Saturn's show. We only just got out from under the year of fire and rain that was the Saturn-Neptune opposition from approximately fall of '06 to fall of '07. And that is only if you interpret all of those recent oil spills in the oceans of the world as "coincidence"or Martian accidents. (Neptune rules the sea and oil.)

During the Saturn-Neptune opposition, Saturn was in Leo (the "fire" in "fire and rain"; Neptune was in Aquarius, the house of the water-bearer). Saturn is in Virgo now, and the karma is going to be all about the details. Trying to get your karma cleaned up now is alot like trying to get one of those fixed-rate mortgages that sent the housing market through the roof. (And now that is crashing down too, at an alarming rate.)

Virgo is also about health. She is the only barren earth sign. If your crops weren't tended properly there will be no more planting until the next cycle. You reap what you sow, and that is that. Moreover, I wonder if we aren't looking at some sort of global epidemic?

Despite all of this, I would mark your magickal calendars for the night of the 11th. I think it would be a good night for a world-wide prayer or vigil. (EDIT: Because of the long moon void beginning on Tuesday evening, best to do the prayer vigirl Monday night.) For one thing, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and both planet and house are all about expansion. Pray for what you want, not what you don't. This is not a time to stress or worry, which are actually "negative" prayers. And that includes "please don't let the house collapse on me." Keep it positive as much as you can. Things will change when Jupiter moves into Saturn's house of karma.

Tomorrow's new moon and the Solstice on the 21st, or 22nd, depending on your time zone, would be the other nights to say those prayers and make a few libations-- either food for a food pantry, a dollar to a beggar, a toy to a homeless shelter. No matter how broke you are, now is the time to give. If you are the beggar on the street, then give a smile to the man who rushes past you with a scowl on his face.

This is the time of year to contemplate a world where their is enough for everyone: enough love, enough food, enough joy, enough friendship, enough understanding, enough presents, and enough Divine Light. "Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the circumstances you desire," counsels guru Wayne Dyer. Is it possible that a world of plenty, a world of happiness, of peace, love and understanding is just around the corner?

Just do your part. That's all you are required to do, and that is all the world needs. According to Goethe: "If only everyone swept in front of his own door, the whole world would be clean." Let me amend that to "If only everyone did what they needed to do to be truly happy and live the fufilling, authentic lives they were meant to live, the whole world would be happy and fufilled."

Find your dream, and follow it.


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