Thursday, February 22, 2007


"You're always warning about all of these disasters," one of my (and astrology's) detractors commented. "The world seems to be going on okay."

Well, "okay" is debatable these days, but yes, the world marches on. In fact, in the ROAD WARRIOR meets SOYLENT GREEN meets TANK GIRL world I continue to see whenever I have visions of my golden years (2040), children still play (in garbage heaps), families still eat dinner (what was Soylent Green?) and forget about the oil crisis, there is very little clean water. It is sad, sickly, hot, and mostly depressing. But the world does march on.

Every now and then I will see a rare moment of sunshine. Something in the world, tides too large for me to understand, will shift, and I will see a salvation. A feeling will come over me, that just as easily the future could go the other way. We walk more, downscale our lifestyles and plasma televisions, eat less meat. The saving always starts in this country, and it starts now. This year. It starts with me. And you.

I am far-sighted. My psychic visions are often too far in the future to be of practical use. And often there are shifts that occur that I don't see because they are too close. I'd rather be wrong. I haven't been hyping the Sturm und Drang for the last three years to make you depressed, but rather to prepare you for this massive turning point in history, and especially in this country.

I don't think that an epidemic, Katrina 2, terrorists, and tornadoes are all going to strike simultaneously, everywhere. That is part of the problem. It's just going to be one of those years. The typhoon might hit Mozambique, the chemical plant explode in Kansas City, the house fires break out randomly and seemingly increasingly. The train might be attacked in India and the flight delayed in New York City. This is what 2007 is going to be like. I just want all of my readers to be safe wherever they are, whatever they are doing.

If I haven't said it enough already, make sure that the batteries in your smoke detector are working. Check your pipes and your plumbing. Make sure your disaster kit is stocked. Do it this weekend, before Saturn and Neptune get down and dirty in the ring this Wednesday. And then keep doing that for the rest of the year.

I want you to prepare for the worst. I want you to be ready for anything that might come along, natural or human, that could hurt you. And once you are ready, I want you to count your blessings, sing a happy song, dream a new dream of bright future where we have used all of our amazing human ingenuity to solve the problems that have always plagued mankind: war, poverty, starvation, living out of balance with nature.

Check your smoke detectors, stock your emergency kits, then take a few moments this weekend to pray and send healing to the planet and to all of her creatures. Tell jokes to everyone you meet and laugh loud and long.


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