Monday morning’s full moon and lunar eclipse is the true beginning of the Samhain/Halloween Season. With this year’s Mars transit and Uranus slinging surprises all last week this should prove to get very interesting.
I’ve heard from many people a sense of optimism that this time will be a “sorting out.” That some sort of magical something is just going to occur with little or no effort on our parts and everything is going to work out for the best. I have felt this, too. But I think it is a lie.
What I do feel very strongly right now is that not just the spirits roam among us, but God as well. Odin is the old man asking for change. Oya is the woman standing at the bus stop without an umbrella. Loki is the asshole cutting you off on the freeway. Jesus is the passed out bum lying on the sidewalk.
The Gods want to know what we really believe. Fairy tales? Or our selves and our futures? It is a fairy tale to believe that some sort of miracle will just occur. Because, quite simply, with all that we will be facing between now and the end of the year, we must put our noses to the grindstone of our dreams. Real work must be put into what we want from our future and our world.
Everyone has something to offer, and there is no time like the present to begin. Even if you aren’t sure what you gifts are, try to start on a path that will carry you through the next 6 years. If you can’t find your way for that, try the next six months.
Praises, Thanks, & Blessings!
Here is a dream I had last night:
These guys that looked like the KKK was designing terrorist’s outfits landed right across the street and they blew up this keg of white powder stuff. It got on everyone and made their skin look like dry ice was coming off of it. I knew that everyone that the white powder had touched were going to die. I was really scared because in my dream I had just seen one of the neighbourhood hawks. I thought it was a good omen. Then this happened. I felt like once again I had misinterpreted an omen.
People were just running mad in the streets. I was just standing there, thinking about how that hawk had been a bad sign after all, and I was really depressed, because I felt like God/dess had turned against me. In my dream then I realised that the hawk was a sign to me to have faith. That everything was going to work out no matter how badly other people were reacting. And that stuff -- in the dream it was like anthrax-- wouldn't hurt me as long as my faith was really strong, and I didn't let any negative thoughts into my head.