Thursday, September 01, 2005


What the people in Louisana and other southern states are going through right now will have, I believe, long reaching effect for our country in many different ways. Those of us in other areas have not even begun to see how radically this is going to change our country. ***

If you have not already looked at this article on how positive intentions, blessings, and prayer can alter the composition of water, please do.

As most of you know, I believe very strongly in the magic of prayer and blessings, and even if you are not in the South, I believe that blessing your water and praying for safety and health of the Southern states WILL make a difference. I am going to do another 24 hours in prayer sometime over the next few days. As with my vigil for the tsunami victims over New Year's, I will also dedicate time to prayers for individuals, if you have any prayer requests for me I would be honoured.

In 1997 there was an article in the esteemed journal Scientific American stating that we would have a shortage of clean water by 2020. Between the tsunami and now this, I daresay the shortage would be coming sooner. If you have a leaky faucet, get it fixed. If you can take a shorter shower, do. Water karma is going to become very very serious. Don't be shy about saying a prayer over your taps and asking the diety of your choice, or simply the spirits of water (sometimes called the Undines, whose ruler is Niksa), to bless all the water that flows to you.

Finally, I don't want to be voice of death and doom all the time, but I do not see this as the last big tragedy that will be affecting us either globally and/or nationally. I still have visions of volcanoes and earthquakes, and I am going to try to get more clearer visions during my prayer vigil, but please, everyone, be prepared. And whenever you can, try to conserve both water, and other endangered resources like oil and gas.


***Watching Bush on television talking about this, I would say there is a good chance some of those changes will be political, because in this case, there is no one to blame or go and bomb. Also, there was no evacuation plan or leadership in the area. The people that were left behind are mostly poor people that do not have the resources to leave. Many do not have cars. The Greyhound in N.O. was closed on Saturday afternoon. And most do not appear to be looting televisions, they are looting food and other supplies.

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